Sunday, March 05, 2006
A thought-provoking question for you guys.
Why do we girls try to emulate those kind of girls that we see on the streets, who have, let's face it, slightly ahlian fashion sense, and rebonded hair PLUS a great figure?The reality is sad. Most of these girls suffer from LOW, LOW BMI's. They're not even at the required body weight! I understand about being thin, and having a great figure, I suppose. One of a girl's most important assets is her figure. But some people are just losing weight for the wrong reason. We're supposed to keep slim, and be healthy. Not be slim so that we can attract guys.
And one thing I simply cannot stand, are those ahlian girls who all look like clones of each other. Please lah, they're like the Malaysian version of the Plastics. Reonded hair, nice figure, and daggers shooting from their eyes at every opportunity. I simply can't understand why guys prefer to woo these kind of useless girls. Have some brains! I'm sorry if this entry upset any of you, but you guys have gotta face the reality.
The world is mean to those who don't wear a size S, have nice hair, a great figure, and the all important factor, being PRETTY. I mean, what's the deal with that? Just that day, my friend commented that among all of our friends, this girl was the prettiest. I might admit that it's true, but some guys honestly... ARGH. I don't even know how to say this. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholders, but I gotta say that guys in my town? Their eyes are crap, i tell ya. And, I have yet to see a guy woo a girl who is smart, and not-so-pretty. Not insulting guys in general, just guys in my town. Which truly proves what a suaku town this is.
Ahlian clothes are considered gorgeous, and you MUST (( and i stress on the word 'MUST' )) have rebonded hair and clear skin, else you won't be on the popularity list. Can't a girl be popular cos she's smart? Like the old adage, guys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses. Hell, I think that attitude perfectly describes my town.
In conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, I simply cannot wait to leave this little hick town, and get to Australia, where hopefully! There are more open-minded people.
Which brings me to another interesting question.
Why can't a girl, let's say after she has been to camp, hug a guy friend, whom she got to know and be friends with during camp?Let me just stress that the point of this post is to gripe about
this little hick town of mine.
Okay, so what is so wrong with that? Just last year, I sat with one of my guy best friends at tuition. People will either go,
"You like him
ah?" or, "She's such a slut."
Take your pick. It's either one of the above. It's never,
"Why can't I find a friend who is close to me like those two?"
What is up with these people? Just one word for you,
It means a purely friend relationship, in case you didn't know. What's wrong with hugging your guy friend whom you have known for 5 years? Just touching him will get you branded as hiao, OR they will start teasing you mercilessly about your new
Which honestly proves my point. Muar is a small suaku town, and it could do better if we could just all be more open-minded and not take beauty as oh-so-important.
I wonder. You usually can't generalise with people, but I have to say, that an ugly guy can get a pretty girlfriend, but an ugly girl can't even get ANY boyfriend.
I declare a state of emergency in this town.Don't judge a book by its cover, people, it's been a thought-provoking day.
And I just wanna say, it rocks to be back =)).

I'm proud of myself. My BMI is a healthy 18.6, which might seem FAT to girls here, but well, it rocks =pPp
i'm emo @ 1:05 AM