Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Okay... Suzanne asked me to list down five freaky facts about myself, and then ask another five people to do the same thing. Since I only know one other blogger (( horror!! )) so DORA it shall be (:
1st phreaky factI have a serious preoblem with picking at my toenails. EW! My whole family does it. I peel my toenails a lot! Although obviously not in public -.-" So I don't use nailclippers for my toenails. (( Sorry if this first fact gorssed you all out, but hey! we all have freaky habits ))
2nd phreaky factI actually considered being a lesbian once. So sue me! It was a part of my life when I thought no guy would ever like me. Although it's not true. I miss him*
3rd phreaky factI still play barbie dolls with my little sister, although it isn't really by choice. I'm forced to! Although some of those little dolls ARE rather cute (:
4th phreaky factI have this fear of cats nowadays. Ever since a pregnant cat jumped out at me in the storeroom (( when i was least expecting it!!! )) I've been really paranoid about cats. The other day a cat rubbed against Anna's leg and I'm the one who screamed! And not too softly either O.O
5th phreaky factI also have this permanent fear of scary movies. I can't even watch the commercials, cos I imagine lots of stuff going on! Even hearing the narrator's voice on the commercial soundtrack is enough to give me nightmares. After I watched Dark Water, HAHA! Three weeks I spent imagining that the water would turn black and that a little girl would come and kill me while I was in the shower! WAY FREAKY!
i'm emo @ 5:39 AM