Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Ahh... I have totally no idea what to blog! That's a first. My mum was just commenting on my english, and saying that it totally SUCKS! Thanks a lot, Mum. Ohhh... I just thought of a blog topic! Movie stars (: Since I've done movies, why not do movie stars?
Sorry, that's just my alter ego speaking. I think it's a great topic, so nyah nyah. Actually, I find very few movie stars that I'm actually interested in. I like cute ones =)).

Ahh. The IMPORTANT cast of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I LOVE this picture loads! I like Katie Leung's hair, and Clemence Poesy looks soo different! Cuter than Fleur (: I don't get the fuss about Robert Pattinson, though. He's too thin for my taste! And for once, Emma Watson is wearing something halfway decent =)). Although I also don't get Daniel's hairstyle. He looks like a nerdddddd ~ My sister says he's a TURNIP. I have to agree! Haha. Stanislav Ianevski (( that's Viktor Krum )) looks rather fat! He should try dieting (: And Rupert Grint... Well, he's himself =pPp So sorry that there isn't any DRACO in here for dora my sweetie!

Finally, I found an actual gorgeous photo of Emma. I don't get her fashion sense at all, finally she actually found something nice to wear! Really pretty =)).

She's the epitome of elegance in this picture, although I have to say the most elegant woman I have seen is definitely Nicole Kidman in her Chanel No 5 advertisement. Here's a picture to jog your memory. Although there was probably some airbrushing involved -.-"
Ohhhh... If only I had half her elegance. =(( Anyway, I'll be uploading more later, I've gotta go rest my eyes. In other words, SLEEP beckons!! Updates later.
So, my updates... As I was saying yesterday, before my head drooped and I flew away to La-La Land, is that Nicole Kidman is the EPITOME (( is that the right word? =pPp )) of pure elegance. Jealousy reigns in my heart!

The next picture is of Mischa Barton (( that's Marissa from Orange County )) and Emma ! And they BOTH look gorgeous. Although I don't understand why they're taking photos together -.-"

And another photo of the gorgeous babe Marissa in The O.C. Did you know Mischa is actually from London, England? She moved to New York when she was about four years old. She played one of the scary ghosts in The Sixth Sense!
And one of my all time favourite actresses, is the supercutie Rachel Bilson ! She's so cute, isn't she? The most adorable (( and also the huffiest )) girl in Orange County. In case you guys didn't know, she plays Summer, one of the richest girls around. But in real life, she's really nice and totally not snooty. In fact, she's dating Adam Brody, who plays Seth in The O.C.
I love her cute looks so much, here's another few for you guys to smooch on! (:

And now, my stomach is gurgling rumbling to the tune of I'm hungry =pPp so it's time to sign off, and leave you all awaiting eagerly (( I wishh! )) for my next highly interesting post (:
i'm emo @ 2:00 AM