Monday, December 26, 2005
On a totally random note, I would like to point out that my name is in Dora's blog as one of her top five favourites! Yay-ness. It's obvious that self-obssessed people like me just love the sound of their name being spoken over and over yeahs? (: Aaahh.. I've been away from my blog for so many days. I miss it! My blog-itis inflammation is getting worse. And I missed my photoshop! Haven't been onlining for the past few days. I do have to admit, my presents this year are fab! A gorgeous set of MCKY clothes from Mum and an eyelash curler from my little sis -.-" And lotsa other fab stuff that I love!
Anyway, we have started our annual once in a year cleaning of my room, which is a MAJOR disaster area. OMG. Here is the picture for you guys to gasp at! Which is just simply horrendous, because I was halfway through the re-vamping of my room.

A major disaster area is it not?
On a brighter note, for the first time in nearly 11 years, my relatives are coming down to Muar for the Chinese New Year! We've been going to KL for reunions ever since 1993, when the year before, they deigned to come down to Muar. My mum is planning a BIG menu. YUM ~ Oh well, have nothing to blog at the moment, I gotta finish refurbishing my room.
i'm emo @ 6:02 AM