Monday, January 09, 2006
WARNING : CRAPPY ENTRY. READ AT OWN RISK.Yay! It's the hari raya holidays, which means...
I CAN ONLINE!Hmm.. Does anyone read xiaxue's blog? The most famous blogger in Singapore (( also my blogging idol )) feels really strongly about foreign people... defiling the.. *ehem* purity of Singaporean girls. I have to say I agree with her.
Today, i went out to get some lemons and rice krispies for my mum (( she's baking new year cookies )). As I rather favour punkish clothes these days, I wore cargo pants (( just like GWEN! )) and a mickey tshirt. As all my friends know, I'm not exactly a pretty girl. In fact, I have to say that...
Which proves that, some people are just plain blind.. or desperate.
Today is a public holiday (( duhh )) so this group of foreign workers were hanging outside the supermarket. Okay, not to further degrade myself, but seriously. I AM NOT PRETTY NOR AM I SLIM! Why can't these foreign workers (( and ah bengs )) get it into their heads! Some guys will do anything to get a date. So I passed by, and these group of guys.. They... Oh well, forgive me for digressing but.. I think we should just change the topic right here and now (:
There's a deep dark secret of mine that very few people know. Let me tell you guys a story. Hypothetically of course =pPp
M is a girl who has a happy family. She is very close to her cousins, who live two hours away. As their entire family is based there, she goes to (( let's call this place Timbuktu - hypothetically speaking )) Timbuktu rather often, because her OWN family is in (( forgive me for this )) South Africa. So, she has a guy cousin we'll call
Z. So, Z and M are close and they can be found.. well, flirting with each other. Not seriously of course. And hypothetically (:
M goes to Timbktu for CNY celebrations, as she does every year. Only this time.. her cousin did.. Well, unORTHODOX - if that's the right word - things to her. Erm, sort of outraging her modesty? Only not to THAT extent, if you guys catch my drift (( again, the age-old question, who are the "guys" who read my blog? )). For the rest of the year, OMG. M feels really embarassed and she can't bring herself to tell anyone or even look at her cousin. She confides in her close friends, but she totally forgets about the experience... until the next time she meets Z. So far, according to reports from Z's brother (( who hates Z but doesn't know what happened )) Z is still unrepentant. Forgive me for this 18-SX post. Z in fact... Oh well, let's keep this blog strictly pg-13.
Ahhh... I think I'm jus talking crap. In fact, I don't think I even understand what I'm saying! Just ignore what I typed and pretend my real post starts here.
You know, guys, the world is unfair to people who aren't.. well, pretty and thin and popular. Theoretically speaking, doesn't socialism happen all over the world? (( IF socialism is a word -.-" ))
I'M coining the term socialism.socialism - socialism happens when you aren't pretty, thin, or popular enough to climb up the social ladder. Those elite few who think they are all that look down on you. And occasionally, bitchiness and backstabbing happens. Scratch that. ALWAYS happens.
Muar - my little teeny weeny town.The popular girls are total bitches. The think they rule the social scene, when in actual fact, everyone KNOWS they are total bitches. They will backstab anything and anyone! They are still popular because... well, they are pretty and thin and.. popular.
Then there are the ones who are popular for being pretty, thin and NICE. But beneath all that niceness (( which is really a facade to hide their true, un-NICE selves )) lurks hearts of evil. They bitch, but not loud enough for other people to hear. Only those who are privileged enough to find out what lurks beneath the surface will ever know. Everyone else? They'll be none the wiser.
Then there are the victims. They are either pretty (( which make the queen bees jealous )), fat (( which give the queen bees an excuse to insult )) or popular with the guys (( and they get labeled as sluts )). So in essence, being a queen bee must be really nice, as you are essentially at the top of the social strata.
I'd rather be me (( the victim )) than be a queen bee who will one day get her just deserts!!
But I digress. I think I'm drunk on coconut biscuits (( lovingly made by my mum )). I'm talking total CRAP. NONSENSE. SHIT.
I noticed in Dora's blog that she is starting to like Gwen Stefani.
Which makes sense, cos Gwen is the SHIT (: As for me? I'm starting to like Ashlee myself. she's a good model if nothing else.

I haven't been doing any photoshopping since my last eva longoria one (( too drunk!! )). Instead I edited Tom Felton's photo to let Dora have a look at it! I fixed quite a lot of stuff, cos it was a pretty bad picture. Although he is handsome (:

I gave him a brighter smile. Lowered his quarterback shoulders. Opened his eyes and made him emerald eyed! And he looks GORGEOUS. For the separate versions of his picture, so you can see the true difference, tag me or MSN! (:
i'm emo @ 4:59 AM