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Friday, July 07, 2006


1. Do the following without complaining.
2. Choose 5 people to do this after you've completed yours.
3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say that he/she has been tagged.
4. Start your post with "I have been tagged!" then do this.


color : I used to love pink and purple. Now I'm a green freak (:
food : Is it sort of a cliche for Chinese people to love Western food? Must be all those cafes I hang out in=l
song : Recently started to listen to Chinese music, doesn't mean I like it. Though Gai Shi Ying Xiong and Wan Mei De Hu Dong - Wang Lee Hom is nice. And ANY guy who sings Jian Dan Ai - Jay Chou to me, you'll definitely get the girl! Also, Hips Don't Lie - Shakira ft. Wyclef Jean, Control Myself - LL Cool J ft. J.Lo, Vacation - Simple Plan, Best Day of My Life - Jesse McCartney, Harajuku Girls - Gwen Stefani!
movie : Gosh. Difficult to answer. I'm pretty much a movie buff. Chick flicks in particular. Although I enjoy serious movies like Munich and Schindler's List.
sport : Duh. If you don't know the answer to this, you don't know me well enough! Football rocks, even if I can't kick a ball to save my lifeXD
day of the week : Can I choose three days? Friday - Get to sleep after Literature class. Saturday - Get to sleep in! Sunday - Get to go shopping and my mother pays (:
season : Not any in particular. Although I love summer in Australia.
ice-cream : Pralines and Cream! As long as there's fudge, butterscotch or honey.


mood : contemplative=l BETRAYED.
taste : Bread with peanut butter and honey. Yum!
clothes : Racerback top (( Ooh-la-laXD )) and shorts.
desktop : iTunes, IE, MSN Messenger.
toe nail color : Blue. Stupid colour, now I think of it.
time : 1.37 pm. Hmm, sound familiar, Chareli?
surroundings : Handphone of course. Music. Barbie dolls. A very big hallway. And the staircase right behind me.
annoyance : More like an irritation. Stupid guys who can't be friends to anyone except themselves and their girlfriends.
thoughts : FREAKS.


best friend : Can't remember her name. Actually, I hardly had best friends in primary school.
crush : Oh, I was an early bloomer. Some guy in kindergarten whose twin brother always bullied me. but he didn't. hehe.
movie : Titanic. Early bloomer eh?
lie : Must be when I lied that I wasn't hungry and took another piece of fruit when Mum wasn't lookingXD
music : My Band by D12. Haha!


cigarette : In my previous life maybe.
drink: Water.
ride: Menghong's car after tuition last night. Thanks!
phone call: Michelle and I talked for 2 hours last night. Gosh.
crush : Erhem. Not that it's any of your business.
movie : Haven't watched a movie in very long =(
CD : The one I burned containing all of Alex's songs.


dated one of your best friends : Guilty as charged.
broken the law : Is hating yourself for dating your best friend a crime?
been arrested : I wish!
skinny-dipped: With THIS body? and flabby thighs and bloated stomach? HAH. That'll be the day.
been on tv : Yeah, when I was giving a speech in front of the President of the USA.
kissed someone you don't know : I'm waiting for the day (:


4 things you did today : Sms-ed Michelle to confirm her coming over to watch the third-place playoffs; Ate my breakfast, and five minutes later, lunch; Blogged; Hated guys in my life with a vengeance.
4 things you can hear right now : Buttons - Pussycat Dolls; Cars screeching outside; The dulcet tones of my typing; My own singingXD
5 people to do this : Dora, Kaigee, Michelle, Lingxuan and my sister.

I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating lately. I owe a thanks to Chareli for giving something to start off with. Computer time has been limited and all that.

Which brings me to the topic.


Don't you think it's easy for another person to tell you, Hai-yah, death comes for all of us at some time or another what.. Don't be sad. In reality, when you've suffered a loss, that particular sentence won't help.

My dad's best friend passed away last Sunday night, at the hale and hearty age of 50. He was on his weekly 20-mile bike ride, when 100metres from his house, he died instantly of a heart attack. It was unbelievable and unfathomable to all of us, as he was the healthiest man I've ever met!

I've known him since I was a baby, he's been with my family from 20 years ago. He watched my sisters and I grow up, but sadly, he'll never get to see us marry, or have babies. He came over to my house every morning and every night to have breakfast and dinner with my dad. He's become a regular fixture in my house, and it's difficult to accept the fact that he's gone. He takes us to tuition when my dad goes out of town, and he even comes over to check on us occassionally. At his funeral, I caught sight of his car parked in front of the funeral parlour, and I broke down. All of us felt the loss terribly, my mum, my sisters, and most of all, my dad.

How would you feel if you unexpectedly lost your best friend of 20 years without having a chance to say goodbye? My point is, "Life is short and sweet, make the most of it while you can" may be a cliche, but it is undoubtedly true.

In loving memory of a great man, you'll never be gone from our hearts.

something quite stupid really. Neglected my photoshop as wellX( Thanks for the inspiration, Michelle!

i'm emo @ 10:05 PM

Monday, April 10, 2006

What gives some people the right to think that they are better than everyone else, and they can lord it over us? As my dad so eloquently puts it, they are 'action'. (( excuse the english xp )) A possible scenario. You go to a department store and ask them if they have that adorable little shirt in pink. You get a very frustrated and bored sigh, and a stomp to the stockroom where they mutter under their breaths about 'people like us'. Well, EXCUUUUUSE me. Sorry for being born, that's just the way I am. But the real sorry is, YOU WERE BORN!

Okay, that's not the point of my post today. I decided to crap a little to get me into the mood! As I slowly but surely crank out this unimaginative entry, I am busy making a new skin, as the more I look at this old one, the MORE i feel like puking. Anyone wanna agree with me on that? Agreements graciously accepted =)).

I haven't been online or on the computer lately, but this is something i did a few weeks back. What do you guys reckon? Good enough for blogskins? I sure worked hard on it. I worked hard by eating a lot of Pringles during the making. Ahem, Pringles should be endorsing my blog.

So, I figure if I wanna be a journalist, I gotta have the right style, and a unique one, of writing! So I have decided to populate? popularise? my blog. (( Are those words even English? -.- )) Beside the point. My entry today must seem pretty pointless huh?

Well, IT ISN'T.

I hate the way guys are wired. Let me give you a little diagram of a typical man's brain. No offense to any guys, but hey! It's scientifically proven =)). By the way, those little lumps? Those are the guys' brain guts. Haha.

'There is no way to be a perfect father, but there's a million ways to be a good one.'

I love that quote! It's so true! I want to apply it to my blogging. There's no way for me to blog about one perfect topic and churn out a perfect entry, but there's a million good topics I can blog about? Who says a blog has to be perfect all the time?

The other day I was freaking angry about something. Our Cold War finally escalated into a full blown fight. Without the fists of course. Mostly, it went like this.

"You don't *beep* believe me then *beep* ask ........ to check her *beep* history!"

Fill in the *beep*s with your own words, of course. Preferably more creative than the one I used. To which she replied,

"Don't you *beep* me. I don't wanna hear your *beep*!!"

Once again, ladies and gentlemen, you are left to your own creative devices. I ask you to please keep those words to yourself though =))

Adrian was being so freaking kaypoh, so i told him to EFF OFF. I was freaking freaking pissed at the time alrite? And after I cooled down (( picture a hiss coming from my burning body, the STEAM! )) he told me to wash my mouth with Kleenex. which led me to think, who hasn't muttered a few bad words?

Pay attention, por favor! (( meaning please, pronounced por-fahbor - check out my spanish! xp ))

This guy I know, who has no trouble expressing his high self esteem, was talking to my best friend. And I was talking to another guy at the bus stop. Just after our Literature class. And the guy I was talkin to, let's name him A said that the other guy, D liked a girl we shall call Fanny. No untoward thoughts please. Scuse me. Por Favor =)) And this girl isn't exactly a rose. She's more of a thorn among the frangipanis. Whatever. D's car came to pick him up, and as he walked past the three of us (( my best friend, A and I )) he easily went,

"Fuck you lah."

All calm and controlled. See? Everyone uses it at one time or another! Although my usage of the word is purely limited to angrily uncontrollable times, and when the shock of dropping something (( my phone, per se )) gets to me. Ergo, everyone needs to wipe their mouths, THE INSIDE of their mouths with Kleenex. Although I prefer royal gold =p.

Argh! The creative writing juices slowly being squeezed out of me, are compressing my ability to photoshop at the same time! So I decided to concentrate on this. Hands up, anyone who hasn't muttered a bad word at one time or another, cause you'll be the only remaining angel in the whole world! Congratulations~

WTF. Ignore that stupid comment. I'm being my usual zany self.

I've been reading a lot of deep books recently. Although none as deep as Sophie's World, which Chareli read. (( Recently? *shrugs* )) Deep, in my definition, means not Sweet Valley and not Meg Cabot. I've been going through all of Amy Tan's books, which mostly have the same theme. And I don't think anyone would be intersted in hearing it, as I'm the only one I know who reads Amy Tan. Ting Xin reads John Grisham. Chareli reads philosophical books. Chyrene reads Danielle Steel. And I read Archie Comics x)). Oh, and Dan Brown.

Hmm. The word RETARD seems to be a favourite of some of the ahlians in Friendster. Every other sentence goes,

*your name here*
retarted girl. - (( RETARDED! ))

SOP for those girls. Here's something nice for you guys.

My retartedness =)). I'm sorry, but nein, danke schon. (( german for no, thanks. pronounced nain, tangke shun =pPp ))

Lol. Sad to say, my creative juices have outflowed themselves typing this amazing (( i quote myself! )) entry. I gotta squeeze more out for my photoshop, so until next time, salieu!

PS. This entry even included language lessons =)) Looks like my trips to Europe paid off.

i'm emo @ 3:18 AM

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Usually I blog about substantive topics, that will make people sit up and read. Well, a blog is an expression of what you feel. I apologize if today's topic doesn't seem like my normal blogging self. I'm just so depressed, and I just wanna express my feelings out to my blog.

Let me just let out a loud scream!


I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself
Cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did,
you felt so hard
I've learned the hard way
To never let it get that far
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me,
but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake
A smile, a laugh everyday of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me,
but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid I watched you die

I heard you cry every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry in the middle of the night
For the same damn thing!

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I tried my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid

Because of you
Because of you

copyrighted. just a plain one.

im crying and crying nonstop. Not exactly the right mood to blog. I'm very very depressed. Sorry =((

i'm emo @ 10:28 PM

Sunday, March 05, 2006

A thought-provoking question for you guys.

Why do we girls try to emulate those kind of girls that we see on the streets, who have, let's face it, slightly ahlian fashion sense, and rebonded hair PLUS a great figure?

The reality is sad. Most of these girls suffer from LOW, LOW BMI's. They're not even at the required body weight! I understand about being thin, and having a great figure, I suppose. One of a girl's most important assets is her figure. But some people are just losing weight for the wrong reason. We're supposed to keep slim, and be healthy. Not be slim so that we can attract guys.

And one thing I simply cannot stand, are those ahlian girls who all look like clones of each other. Please lah, they're like the Malaysian version of the Plastics. Reonded hair, nice figure, and daggers shooting from their eyes at every opportunity. I simply can't understand why guys prefer to woo these kind of useless girls. Have some brains! I'm sorry if this entry upset any of you, but you guys have gotta face the reality.

The world is mean to those who don't wear a size S, have nice hair, a great figure, and the all important factor, being PRETTY. I mean, what's the deal with that? Just that day, my friend commented that among all of our friends, this girl was the prettiest. I might admit that it's true, but some guys honestly... ARGH. I don't even know how to say this. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholders, but I gotta say that guys in my town? Their eyes are crap, i tell ya. And, I have yet to see a guy woo a girl who is smart, and not-so-pretty. Not insulting guys in general, just guys in my town. Which truly proves what a suaku town this is.

Ahlian clothes are considered gorgeous, and you MUST (( and i stress on the word 'MUST' )) have rebonded hair and clear skin, else you won't be on the popularity list. Can't a girl be popular cos she's smart? Like the old adage, guys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses. Hell, I think that attitude perfectly describes my town.

In conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, I simply cannot wait to leave this little hick town, and get to Australia, where hopefully! There are more open-minded people.

Which brings me to another interesting question.

Why can't a girl, let's say after she has been to camp, hug a guy friend, whom she got to know and be friends with during camp?

Let me just stress that the point of this post is to gripe about this little hick town of mine.

Okay, so what is so wrong with that? Just last year, I sat with one of my guy best friends at tuition. People will either go,

"You like him ah?" or, "She's such a slut."

Take your pick. It's either one of the above. It's never,

"Why can't I find a friend who is close to me like those two?"

What is up with these people? Just one word for you, PLATONIC.

It means a purely friend relationship, in case you didn't know. What's wrong with hugging your guy friend whom you have known for 5 years? Just touching him will get you branded as hiao, OR they will start teasing you mercilessly about your new crush.

Which honestly proves my point. Muar is a small suaku town, and it could do better if we could just all be more open-minded and not take beauty as oh-so-important.

I wonder. You usually can't generalise with people, but I have to say, that an ugly guy can get a pretty girlfriend, but an ugly girl can't even get ANY boyfriend.

I declare a state of emergency in this town.

Don't judge a book by its cover, people, it's been a thought-provoking day.

And I just wanna say, it rocks to be back =)).

I'm proud of myself. My BMI is a healthy 18.6, which might seem FAT to girls here, but well, it rocks =pPp

i'm emo @ 1:05 AM

Friday, March 03, 2006

Yay! How does it feel to see me back? I gotta tell you, it feels pretty darn good. I can feel tears filling up already. Oh... Hah. The drama queen is back. BACK, i tell you. People have been hounding me for months. Chareli, Dora, Amelia. Everyone. And I can't imagine why I even let my blog die in the first place. So, I haven't been keeping up with my blog in months.

So today's highly anticipated post (( well, anticipated by me, at least )) will be about my latest photoshop works. not to show off, but rather, for people to steal. I'm thinking of changing my web address and make this site an artwork site. There's no creative outlet for me to plug in my photoshop works =((.

And btw, speaking of artwork, don't you love the chad michael murray skin? MMMM, it looks better than the previous one, although I didn't put much effort into this one. Kudos to myself. * claps self-obsessedly *

I actually haven't been sitting on my buttocks doing nothing for nearly two months. I've still visited everyone's blog AND my own from time to time. And nonstop photoshopping works. What can I say? My obsession with photoshop is bordering on freaky (:

Some of them are rather ugly, and if you don't like them, well, more power to you! (:

And the next section is about my photoshopped stuff. They aren't really nice, as I don't usually put much effort into editing, unless it's for a purpose.

A rather shitty Ashlee THING that I did, like, MONTHS ago, but totally had no chance to post. On another note, though, I'm glad I arranged all my editings in order, like ashlee 1 and ashlee 2. much easier (:

i tried to make it like my Eva Longoria one, but sadly, I failed. If any of you noticed, I left colour on her clothes. Sorta pointing out that she dares to be different. Her clothes rock =)).

I did this one in ten minutes flat. It really isn't supposed to be one of my photoshop works, cos I did it for my English scrapbook. Teacher loved it! METHINKS. quack quack =D

I so love this. The colour contrast (( the one on the right )) is so stunning. me loves it.

I did this recently. Trying to evoke a grungy feel. Has anyone noticed that Hilary got slim? I think she looked better when she was fat. Her face slimmed down too, and she looks kinda twiggy in the face. Like she was impoverished or summat. (( Do I sound like Hagrid? =pPp ))

Before I go on, some people must be thinking, what the freak is wrong with this girl? Photoshop freakkkk. Well, I just feel out of touch. I'll blog about substantive topics after this. PEACE.

'Nuff said, zilians.

Kinda bad layout. The colours aren't good. But if I DO turn this site into an art site, my header would be summat like this. (( Again, Hagrid. ))

A reallyreallyreally simple one. Just transforming, linear gradient and one flower brush. wooo (:

Before I made the chadmm skin yesterday, I was seriously considering putting this as my skin header. She's so thin! But not twiggy like Nicole.

TWIG. Actually, i'd rather be fat like me than twiggy like her (:

I can't blog too much after this. My mum is making noise! I have to get offline, and we're going to Melaka for auntie's bday. See you guys, and I hope this entry will keep you satiated for a while.

And my hit counter reached a thousand! -_-

i'm emo @ 6:11 PM

Monday, January 09, 2006


Yay! It's the hari raya holidays, which means...


Hmm.. Does anyone read xiaxue's blog? The most famous blogger in Singapore (( also my blogging idol )) feels really strongly about foreign people... defiling the.. *ehem* purity of Singaporean girls. I have to say I agree with her.

Today, i went out to get some lemons and rice krispies for my mum (( she's baking new year cookies )). As I rather favour punkish clothes these days, I wore cargo pants (( just like GWEN! )) and a mickey tshirt. As all my friends know, I'm not exactly a pretty girl. In fact, I have to say that...


Which proves that, some people are just plain blind.. or desperate.


Today is a public holiday (( duhh )) so this group of foreign workers were hanging outside the supermarket. Okay, not to further degrade myself, but seriously. I AM NOT PRETTY NOR AM I SLIM! Why can't these foreign workers (( and ah bengs )) get it into their heads! Some guys will do anything to get a date. So I passed by, and these group of guys.. They... Oh well, forgive me for digressing but.. I think we should just change the topic right here and now (:

There's a deep dark secret of mine that very few people know. Let me tell you guys a story. Hypothetically of course =pPp

So, M is a girl who has a happy family. She is very close to her cousins, who live two hours away. As their entire family is based there, she goes to (( let's call this place Timbuktu - hypothetically speaking )) Timbuktu rather often, because her OWN family is in (( forgive me for this )) South Africa. So, she has a guy cousin we'll call Z. So, Z and M are close and they can be found.. well, flirting with each other. Not seriously of course. And hypothetically (:

M goes to Timbktu for CNY celebrations, as she does every year. Only this time.. her cousin did.. Well, unORTHODOX - if that's the right word - things to her. Erm, sort of outraging her modesty? Only not to THAT extent, if you guys catch my drift (( again, the age-old question, who are the "guys" who read my blog? )). For the rest of the year, OMG. M feels really embarassed and she can't bring herself to tell anyone or even look at her cousin. She confides in her close friends, but she totally forgets about the experience... until the next time she meets Z. So far, according to reports from Z's brother (( who hates Z but doesn't know what happened )) Z is still unrepentant. Forgive me for this 18-SX post. Z in fact... Oh well, let's keep this blog strictly pg-13.


Ahhh... I think I'm jus talking crap. In fact, I don't think I even understand what I'm saying! Just ignore what I typed and pretend my real post starts here.

You know, guys, the world is unfair to people who aren't.. well, pretty and thin and popular. Theoretically speaking, doesn't socialism happen all over the world? (( IF socialism is a word -.-" ))

Anyway I'M coining the term socialism.

socialism - socialism happens when you aren't pretty, thin, or popular enough to climb up the social ladder. Those elite few who think they are all that look down on you. And occasionally, bitchiness and backstabbing happens. Scratch that. ALWAYS happens.

Muar - my little teeny weeny town.
The popular girls are total bitches. The think they rule the social scene, when in actual fact, everyone KNOWS they are total bitches. They will backstab anything and anyone! They are still popular because... well, they are pretty and thin and.. popular.

Then there are the ones who are popular for being pretty, thin and NICE. But beneath all that niceness (( which is really a facade to hide their true, un-NICE selves )) lurks hearts of evil. They bitch, but not loud enough for other people to hear. Only those who are privileged enough to find out what lurks beneath the surface will ever know. Everyone else? They'll be none the wiser.

Then there are the victims. They are either pretty (( which make the queen bees jealous )), fat (( which give the queen bees an excuse to insult )) or popular with the guys (( and they get labeled as sluts )). So in essence, being a queen bee must be really nice, as you are essentially at the top of the social strata.




I'd rather be me (( the victim )) than be a queen bee who will one day get her just deserts!!

But I digress. I think I'm drunk on coconut biscuits (( lovingly made by my mum )). I'm talking total CRAP. NONSENSE. SHIT.

I noticed in Dora's blog that she is starting to like Gwen Stefani.

Which makes sense, cos Gwen is the SHIT (: As for me? I'm starting to like Ashlee myself. she's a good model if nothing else.

I haven't been doing any photoshopping since my last eva longoria one (( too drunk!! )). Instead I edited Tom Felton's photo to let Dora have a look at it! I fixed quite a lot of stuff, cos it was a pretty bad picture. Although he is handsome (:

I gave him a brighter smile. Lowered his quarterback shoulders. Opened his eyes and made him emerald eyed! And he looks GORGEOUS. For the separate versions of his picture, so you can see the true difference, tag me or MSN! (:

i'm emo @ 4:59 AM

Friday, January 06, 2006

Okay, it's finally the weekend! The first week of school is over, not to mention the fact that we have two days holiday for hari raya! I love the Malays (:

So, I realised something important a few weeks back. For nearly all my life, I dreamt of being a lawyer. My dad's a successful lawyer, and my big sister is studying law. Maybe they're the reason why I decided to choose law as my profession. Anyway, I know realise that law isn't my calling! I have finally - after many years - decided on what I want to do after my SPM this year! I'm heading off to Australia (( which HAS been a dream of mine since, like, I don't know, FOREVER? )) to do Year 12 which is equivalent to the A-Levels here. You can take five courses there, so I'm going to do Politics and Current Events, ESL, English Language, Math and Literature. And after that, I want to get into Uni of Melbourne to get degree in..


I now know my calling isn't to be a legal eagle, but rather a journalist! Which is exactly whatI like, a combination of writing, reporting, and ENGLISH. Which is my all-time favourite subject. I would have taken drama, but unfortunately, I don't think I have enough talent or beauty =((.

I got back my first creative writing paper from Miss Wong, who told us to write about our goals this year in Form 5 (( as it's the SPM year - SCARY! )). She didn't grade it, but she did correct mistakes (( as usual!!! )). There was one part where I wrote,

"Another target of mine this year is to make my mother proud of me, and stop contradicting her, as she only hopes for the best for her children."


Miss Wong bracketed that section and wrote GOOD, which is something really rare and unheard of from such a strict teacher! *gleeful laugh* OMG I was so surprised. And pleased of course -.-"

My latest photoshop works for Dora to take a look at. I know you've been trying to do preppy, sweetie, but hey! Your talents lie in grunge, so stick to it! Whereas I, am neither talented nor able to do grunge OR preppy. Trust me, you're the most talented photoshoppist I know, so stick with your grunge works, cos they're really really great (:

One stupid Lindsay Lohan skin that I did about ten minutes before going to tuition. Was in a rush, so I just simply whipped up something stupid.

And one of my latest works, featuring Eva Longoria from DH. Argghh, stupid Blogger is on the blink again, and I'm unable to upload photos. I'm going to try ONCE more.

Did you know that Kate Moss was in these pictures? I actually didn't know until I saw them on her website. How can so much gorgeousness be in one person? RAWRRRRRRR (( im copying dorothy =pPp )) I pity her, and I'm glad she's in rehab now. Her boyfriend is really up to no good.

And another perfect perfect picture for photoshopping is the Vogue spread by Chloe Sevigny. She's a fantastic model, and these pictures? WOOO. Decadence in full glory.

I know I promised a LONG LONG post to make up for my not posting for such a long time, but 'm really beat. This whole long week and all the teachers stressing the importance of SPM is driving me BONKERS. If I plan to become a lawyer journalist, why am I even taking pure science? I hate Bahasa Melayu. I hate Additional Maths. I hate MORAL STUDIES! I hate PHYSICS and BIO. Chemistry isn't too bad but my teacher sucks. I hope to do well for my 1119 and Lit though. Ganbatte! (:

i'm emo @ 11:27 PM




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  • What gives some people the right to think that the...
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  • A thought-provoking question for you guys.Why do w...
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  • it's the weekend!
  • editing
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  • hilary

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