Wednesday, October 26, 2005
damn my chem teacher. shit. boliao.
i'm emo @ 1:24 AM
Monday, October 24, 2005
haha~ just had a rather stimulating conversation with jessica. she does spice up my braincells (: anyway im gonna post up my latest marks.
english - 88[this is not sure yet. cos my crazy teachr wants to either plus 1-5 marks, or minus 1-5 maarks, depending on our, er.. so-called class behaviour. and considering the time jolwee and i stood up to her, well.. better expect 83marks instead (:]
[oh yeah, i got 47.5/50 for my second essay! aint that great, even for a sucker like her]
chem paper 3 - 26/50[ok omg. i hate hate that bloody bitch teacher. who the freak does she think she is? she drives everyone mad. damn insensitive. she cuts off all my marks! and i bet she wont even explain why. dont get her man. such a sucker. i love chem! and she cut off my marks just like that. what is the world coming to?]
post later, my mum going mad. as usual =xXx
i'm emo @ 5:59 AM
Sunday, October 23, 2005
yay. went out with him yesterday. after so many weeks of not seeing hi. damn the exams! anyway i was like, so embarassed! so many guys were there, i think at least 20? neo came up to me, look from me to *him* and said, aiyo! hualamak. zili said i boh steady. omg. and the guys are so horrible! we went to watch a movie, and the guys said to him, eh, bu xiang ting dao la lian de shen ying a~! omg -.- i was like, what the freak? hahaha~ we watched into the blue and i think i know the reason why they chose that movie! it was about sharks, drugs, blood, head honchos, butt, breasts, taikors, kissing, the sea, fishing, breasts, sunken planes, butt, equipment, breasts and butt. hehe~ i can take a guess that the guys were all O.O hahahaha! omg, i was like -.-" so anyway, after the movie mh was like, muah muah! and i was like, what the hell? then they started ribbing us, going all kissy kissy. omg! yesterday was one of the most embarassing nights of my life please remind me to never do it again. today was a nice normal boring day. 'cept that i bought some stuff. a few new storybooks to read, nth substantive though! seventeen and lime. got my monthly fix of magazines for this month. my sister says i sound like a drug addict! kekeke~ bought a super cute bohemian bag! its adorable~ and a new giordano shirt to go to europe and new zealand! freak i just cant wait to go to nz. plus a vivienne westwood shirt!! hahaha. its fake. like, duh =xXx anyway i just cant blog with all these peepos looking over my shoulder, so see yea.
i'm emo @ 5:31 AM
Friday, October 21, 2005
yay~ we're goin to nz this friday. kinda short notice eh? my dad decided yesterday =pPp anyway, here are the long awaited europe photos. well, long awaited by me anyways. decided to dedicate all of today's posts to pictures. so
I can enjoy them =)).

my dad freezing his er... tushy off in switzerland. jungfraujoch - top of europe

on the way to mount pilatus in lucern/luzerne.

haih. two posers on the boat to mount pilatus. my pimples! omg -.-"

my mum posing with her two little lv bags. she's damn proud of em =)).

couldnt resist taking this cow's picture. what d'you reckon?

aha~ great view taken by yours truly =pPp

and the little poser sister of mine -.-"
i'm emo @ 11:48 PM
its official. i have blog-itis. inflammation of the brain, it results in a person's compulsion to blog everyday. oftentimes, it causes a deep urge to blog twice a day. omg. just realised how stupid i am. all my picts cant be seen. too bad. im just too lazy to fix it. anyway back to my strange disease. blog-itis. i just put in a hit counter. surely nobody reads my blog but i just get a kick out of seeing it there yeahs? (: ahhhhhh~ i found a new great pic of chad! the gorgeous hunk =)).

aha~ my bloody gorgeous hunk. wish he was mine. wishful thinking (:
i'm emo @ 8:09 PM
okay got a few way back photos dat are damn embarassing. cant believe i ever looked so stupid. and that was this year! oh well, im no great beauty now, but still.. there's an improvement! =D
arghh. sorry. i guess all of you who wanted to see my freakish face'll have to wait till im using my own pc. my sister's pc kinda sucks (:
yay i tink i uploaded it already. gosh its so hard to get it in with my sister's pc. so there it is. my ugly self. in black =xXx anyway jess looks like she always does and always will since she was young. jolwee looks kinda *toot* in this picture and she knows it doesnt matter lah baobei, i still love ya =D and tingxin. gosh, big freaking difference now eh? i bet if you see her on the streets now you will go, what the freak? kekeke~ anyway, for your viewing pleasure, and to my horror! i get to upload the new version of tingxin. everyone clap hands! =DD
erh to all of you who had your hands poised to clap. well, so sorry you dont get to see it. cos my sister's pc sucks as i said earlier. what the freak is this bloody girl doing, you must be thinking eh? hey! its demoralizing to hear myself as a bloody girl! kekeke~ anyway its not like anyone reads my blog yeahs? (: so i can just keep demoralizing myself by going all, oh im so ugly and all that shit. yea yea. dumb.
anyway i just wanna point out that i love my personal friendster account! yeah i know it isnt actually the queen of html or anything. i totally get it. im cool =x but you might wanna take a look yeahs? (:
yeap, i know my pics are kinda scary. also im trying to demoralize myself as much as i can in this post. anyway im so freaking pissed! my bio... bloody shit. even if i pass, so what? you do know that ill be flayed alive by my mum right? oh yeah
bio paper 2 - 43/100 [which means that i need another 6 marks over 50 for paper three so i can pass bio. yay =DD]
i am never ever gonna post a photo using blogger system anymore! its totally screwing up all my posts. grrrr. and i just realised smth really important. MADNESS SELLS. thats right. why else would all my crazy friends have *ehem, picture me coughing here* admirers eh? ehehe, who said anything about lil old moi? i meant my friends. kekeke! so anyway, you see that stupid picture up there? yeah i know the editing sucks. unfortunately i absolutely dont have photoshop on this pc and i had to use some obscure program called photofiltre? erh, news flash. photoshop ROCKS. just so ya'll know =pPp.
just realised that i am so totally in love with chad. havent thought about him in a while. hes so cute. kekeke~ and guess what? im going out with him tomorrow.. dunoe should wear chap lap of dress up or wat? on the other hand, i should dress the way owaes have right? he should love me for who i am. even though i kinda like the way i dress =p. i m so into photoshop that i even dream about editing photos! thinking of the best way to edit my photos. in school during exam. also thinking lovingly about photoshop. its sick this obsession with photoshop. sick i tell you. image ready too. omg. turning into some kinda photoshop groupie. ill be all, oh miss, care to try photoshop? its great. it even haunts you in your dreams. kekeke. i can imagine that =.= eeyuck i look like a horrendous faggot aka cockroach in my family photo. ew ew ew. why cant i ever talk about substantial topics? haiyo. oh yeah. news flash people!
datin sri endon, wife of our current prime minister, dato seri abdullah ahmad badawi has passed away after a four-year-long battle with cancer.
that piece of news will be documented there forever. omg. but her death really caused me to think. my mum could be next! there one day, not there the next. i may fight with my mum but i wouldnt want her to die! so please support the breast cancer foundation if you come across this post of mine. get one of those livestrong bands. i want my mum to live!
i'm emo @ 5:37 AM
yup the picture just now? forgot to give it a caption (: i made it for jessie. was kinda bored so decided to just get her smth nice. im too nice lahs! blueks =pPp yay~ tonight we can watch desperate housewives. unfortunately got school so cant watch too late! blame the school! they said we didnt have enough schooling days this year. ish who cares? LIE (: anyway my mum says wanna go nz and visit my auntie for hari raya. erh, hello? were not muslims as far as i know. kekeke~ go new zealand again yeahs? yeap, i kinda like the idea =)).
i'm emo @ 4:28 AM
Thursday, October 20, 2005

hello bloggie (: kinda missed you after not seeing you for a few hours. yay. finally talked to him today. after two days of not talking. the missing is driving me mad =pPp
i'm emo @ 11:12 PM
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
yay yay yay~ exams are finally over. can relax. and online everyday! teehees. so far my marks kinda suck =)).
add math - 43[this is the subject that mroe than half of the class failed in. its unladylike of me to gloat. but TEEHEE!]
history - 42[omg im so glad that i actually passed this paper! which i soooo expected to fail]
and bio paper 1 - 31/50[haiyo, pretty good aint it? especially since i absolutely did not study. nada. zip. zilch (:]
soo.. been thinking of changing my blogskin. but i tink no use right? i have a blog to blog! and not to change blogskins (: made my own blogskin. and dont you just love those pretty hearts that i made? so glad that i learnt imageready yeahs? =)) alot of nonsense im talkin here. jus missed my blog so so much! cant unstd it sometimes. ppl in muar must be kinda suaku or smth. to them, beauty is defined by whether a girl has clear skin and long hair. haiyos, im sure i dont need to mention names, but the top three beauties in muar are already known right? cumon lah people. cant we get muar off the suaku map and put in some REAL beauties for a change? i didnt ask to be crowned a beauty though. as far as i know, im no beauty (:

my first gif image. dont know if it can move in this server. decided to give it a try anyway =)).

if it cant be seen, well.. who cares?

princess (:

dolly dolly~
im such a sucker =))

kinda hate this one, my first try at doing images.

and my absolute favourite (:
anyway i'll be blogging later i think. still owe jessica her flier. just dont have to mood to do it! i wonder though, should i put my tagboard back in. kinda miss it =((.
i'm emo @ 11:55 PM
Saturday, October 15, 2005
yay~ soon exams will be over. just two papers more. chem and add maths. cracking my head thinking how to make my friendster profile nicer. ordinarily, i wouldnt bother. but.... haiyo. feel so plain compared to others. haha. bbl8r.
i'm emo @ 2:58 AM
Monday, October 03, 2005
my life has become much happier yeahs? (: we were so so so glad today when teacher canceled the moral paper! yesssss =)). what happened was, it was the wrong set and also wrong format. so we got 2hrs free to talk. kekeke~ and jolwee just couldnt shut up about tian mi mi. ish =x. i
hate stupid miss wong! i know my chinese writing sucks k? i dont really give a damn, cos i only use chinese to msg. considering the fact that i grew up speaking english, and not even talking ONE chinese lesson, she shouldn't be saying me cans? she teaches english lah dumb, not chinese. this is called LEBIH. kekeke cos i only use chinese to sms people. she dont have anyone to sms also ar. doubtful that she even owns a handphone. no social life. boliao.
i'm emo @ 6:09 AM
Sunday, October 02, 2005
oh by the way. sorry about the missing hot girls and gutys will try to fix that asap! i wonder how many people know about that traumatic incident. keep crying and start thinking about that horrible thing after my
happy incident happened yesterday. maybe cos i have people to depend on. i hate depending on people though! i have gotten too used to being independent.
Westlife - UnbreakableTook my handTouched my heartHeld me closeYou were always thereBy my sideNight and dayThrough it allBaby come what maySwept away on a wave of emotionNow we're caught in the eye of the stormAnd whenever you smile I can hardly believe that you're mineBelieve that you're mineThis love is unbreakableIt's unmistakeableAnd each time I look in your eyesI know whyThis love is untouchableA feeling my heart just can't denyAnd each time I look in your eyesOh babyI know whyThis love is unbreakableShared the laughterShared the tearsWe both knowWe'll go on from hereCause together we are strongIn my armsThat's where you belongI've been touched by the hands of an angelI've been blessed by the power of loveAnd whenever you smile I can hardly Believe that you're mineThis love is unbreakable It's unmistakeable And each time I look in your eyes I know why This love is untouchable A feeling my heart just can't deny And each time I look in your eyes Oh baby I know whyThis love is unbreakableThrough fire and flameWhen all this is overOur love still remainsThis love is unbreakable It's unmistakeable And each time I look in your eyes I know why This love is untouchable A feeling my heart just can't deny And each time you whisper my name Oh baby I know why And each time I look in your eyesOh baby I know whyThis love is unbreakable.Yep - the whole thing was typed by me while listening to the song =)). I wonder will anyone understand the significance? If only lah... i dont have anyone to sing this to =((.
i'm emo @ 12:29 AM
Saturday, October 01, 2005
i am crazily crazily extremely totally deeply happy! only one person knows why =)). never thought i'd be as happy as this! can finally give up the old things that bothered me. kekeke ~ im so so so deliriously ecstatic and jubilant =)). my sister said im a weirdo. which by point, i am. LOL. havent blogged in a long time. finally opened my personal account, unfortunately only got 16 friends =((. i am crazy over the songs queen of my heart and unbreakable. * swept away on a wave of emotion * kekeke~

yep, my darling hellokitty bracelet =))
i'm emo @ 9:22 PM