Saturday, July 30, 2005

the femme fatales are back and better than ever=))
the femme fatales rocks~!

me and meifeng mei. we look like twins rite?
muiting laogong and me, taken in tuition when teacher wasnt looking x))
i'm emo @ 11:54 PM
difficult to think up blog titles lars. finally opened my new accnt. slow mans=).just noticed that meifeng mei's new pics make her look like emiri. damn pretty lors. sometimes i envy people with clear skin, nice eyes and haf many admirers. like jolwee. dunno why she just cant admit it. wen she doesnt admit it, it makes me more hurt than when she does. i mean, isnt it bad enough that i dun haf any admirers? must she say dat NOBODY likes her? if nobody likes her means negative 10 people likes me=)). gosh i suddenly realised that i have so many family members. i mean in frenster x)). so many. lols. but i dun mind. enjoy it lors. ystd was dad's birthday party. invited xin, jess and wee. we had fun, taking lotsa pics. until my mum even said at one point, seems like the four of us are the birthday girls~! hahas* but im glad. cos it means that femmefatales are back once again~! i missed it =)). listening to let's get it started.
i'm emo @ 10:32 PM
Friday, July 29, 2005
today fell asleep during bio. was tired and drowsy after eating my medicine. teacher looked at me and asked me wad was wrong. just shook my head and lay down, he didnt disturb me the rest of the time~! hahas* at least he din scold me for falling asleep. sheesh, got back my history ; 32 marks. sheesh. better not tell mum=X. i absolutely didnt know how to do it anyway. i think total up the number of questions i did doesnt even amount to a passing mark. hees* and my physics got 44 but its one of the highest anyway. everyone else failed. but mum complained. haishs. went to lit, meng hong din go. that made jolwee happy :). good nite.
i'm emo @ 7:11 AM
Thursday, July 28, 2005
sheesh. my friendster accnt is moving at a snail's pace. could you move faster snail? i envy ivy and angie. their accnts just go WHOOSH~! haish, im too unattractive i guess? hahahs* i wonder.. just now daniel was talking to one of his friends. he said dat he was gonna be late cos he had lit class tomorrow. well, that's weird. i hope upon hope dat he is not starting to take lit~! argghs, it's bad enough facing henry, now i have to deal with daniel too?! ohwells, i have dhiraj and mavin. except mavin has a girlfriend now and dhiraj just doesnt seem to wanna talk.. hmms. i wonder why? i cant wait for big sis to get home lors. once she gets home den we can go for facial to get rid of my pesky pimples=)). i just miss her so damn much. its funny how life changes. i used to absolutely hate her before she went to australia. we werent that close when she was in australia either. but now shes in kl, she comes back like twice a month, i miss her more than i did when she was in australia. absence makes the heart grow fonder=X. it's true~! gotta sleep if not ill be a walking zombie tomorrow=D. but i just cant leave the web lols~! me and my friendster are just inseparable. dat shucks to the core cos im kinda like addicted to it. i spent 8hrs on it before=)). omigosh. its been ten mins since i typed dat i gotta sleep, but i havent budged from the pc chair=.=
i'm emo @ 7:28 AM
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
oh gosh, i just cant get the song honey out of my head~! all cos of the dance dat we did=D. all i can say is, cyndi wang is just so damn cute. if i cud be half as cute as her, i wud be satisfied=X this jolwee ars, i just called her and she told me she was sleeping and she will fetch me to tuition. hello? did i SAY anything about tuition? omgs. she is a bit *blur* liaos. stupid adrian. tuesday, i wasnt sick yet. teacher returned the est papers. i got highest[87] so she gave me a pink pen as a prize. uh yeah, thanks. anyway, adrian didnt take the test but he laughed at me, say i got so low~! he said he could have gotten 100. well hello, mr adrian. might i remind you that i have beat you in EVERY SINGLE est test? you have never gotten highest so could you like shut up? sheesh, cant stand these bhb peepos. they need their brains washed=D lalala~ dont phunk with my heart=)). weili also another stupid one. my gosh, dat day teacher giving back our am tests. he wasnt in class, but teckwei took it for him. he got 97~! ok, i admit its high=X but when he got back, he said loudly that he din expect to get lower than 90. he said lower than 90 would be impossible. uh, yeah. its fine to be confident. NOT BHB, uncle~! omg, i just realised. i havent watched tv in a helluva long time. except for the movie ice princess. gosh, i wish i could skate like dat. i tried to do a triple axel like her on the floor, but ended up on my butt=.= how embarassing lols! i loveee dat movie, watched it like.. at least 3 times on de same day. also, im angry with my ipod. keep dl-ing songs, but it just doesnt go in! heck la. all my fault also lars, shouldnt haf lost my itunes cd, so i tried to put in using windows media player. doesnt work~! word of advice, dont ever let your uncle fix your ipod! dat time my ipod got some probs, so he reformatted for me. i asked him to put in some avril songs or smth and u know wad he put in? air supply and instrumental songs~! gosh and now i cant put in any other songs=((. stuck listening to i'm all out of love. sheesh=.=diiaosss.
i'm emo @ 11:37 PM
haish. sometimes i wonder why im still single. am i really dat horrible looking? how come my ex can fal in love with my best friend. weird lars. i may be ugly but not as ugly as some of those who haf boyfs. well, consider myself unlucky. being single is not dat enjoyable. wells. i skipped school again today. cos of my sickness. hahs* actually, im not dat sick but enjoy it lors=D. den sit at home and play pc. but now i kinda regret eating the medicine on an empty stomach. shudnt haf done dat x)). my bio got 78 lors~! so happy. wakakas. din expect it at alls. and my physics passed, which will make my mum VERY happy=)). oh yeahs, i miss weeling loads. did you see the testi she sent me? lols~! i love her loads too>.<
i'm emo @ 8:46 PM
stupid blog~! i wrote so much and it all disappeared! CRAPS (:
i'm emo @ 6:39 AM